Ilham Prajatama produced his first film, Tanggai, where he served as a writer and received the main award at the Musse Indie Fest 2019. Following this success, he continued to work consistently with Shock Film. In 2020, he produced the mini-series "Selenelion" and his second short documentary, Ngidang. In 2021, he wrote and directed the short film "Dua Pilar Satu Atap," which received eight nominations at the Lampung Film Festival and won four.
Ilham Prajatama produced his first film, Tanggai, where he served as a writer and received the main award at the Musse Indie Fest 2019. Following this success, he continued to work consistently with Shock Film. In 2020, he produced the mini-series "Selenelion" and his second short documentary, Ngidang. In 2021, he wrote and directed the short film "Dua Pilar Satu Atap," which received eight nominations at the Lampung Film Festival and won four.