Film Criticsm vs. Film Reviews

A space for the film community to network and exchange knowledge with experts for the development of film projects and organizations.

The Comunity Program will discuss “Film Criticsm vs. Film Reviews” which will be a meeting and discussion space for film lovers.

Films Criticsm vs. Film Reviews

21 November 2021, 13.00-15.00

Speakers : 

Aulia Adam (
Aulia Adam is a journalist and writer. He has worked for Tirto.ID since 2016 as in-depth reporting journalist. He Was awarded the SOPA Awards 2020 and the AJI Tasrif Award 2020 and The AJI Tasrif Award 2020 for his collaborative and invetigative work #NamaBaikKampus. He is now a Producer of Misbar, a video essay program for films on Youtube and Tirto’s Instagram.

Billy (WatchmenID)
WatchmenID is a shitpost handle under the guise of a film account, which shares info and personal  views on film and series. It is part of Aidi Networks that is engaged in reviewing secondary products such as movies, the lates food, technology, games, books, pets to beauty products.

Moderator: Stephany Josephine

Stephany Josephine, atau iasa dipanggil Treppy, adalah seorang penulis dan praktisi kehumasan lepas, lifestyle blogger, dan mantan presenter program ulasan film bertajuk Teppy-O-Meter di Narasi TV. Blognya, telak dikelola sejak 2007 dengan artikel yang terfokus pada pencurian kedai kopi, cerita travelling, konser, dan ulasan film dengan label “Movie Review Suka-Suka”